Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I think Mr. outdid himself this year. This is the first year he was given an assignment to complete little Mr.'s costume and WOW is all I have to say. I also have given myself the assignment of little Miss' costume and I have to say it's not quite done yet.....I will probably be working on it Thursday night so it's ready for her Friday Halloween party!! But that's just how I roll......

I will also be carving pumpkins, making cookies, chili, and roasting pumpkin seeds for Saturday, you know I've only known that Halloween is on the 31st for how many years now! But I'm confident that everything will be done. So here's to all the procrastinators!!! I better get to work.


  1. Procrastinators unite! We have a Halloween party on Friday night and 3 out of the 4 costumes for our family are not even started yet...ooops!

  2. lol... I am a procrastinator too and get it all done -plus some- under pressure!! We gutted pumpkins last night and baked the seeds, so all we have to do today is carve them :) whoop! whoop!
    Alyssa wanted to be a "jack in the box", and I didn't have time or talent to create her that costume at this time, so we went to the halloween store and she chose....... cookie monster!! I know, corny right?!!? So, I decided for a class treat she should pass out "cookies", it's only right! LOL
    Anyways, If Mr. was her daddy, I bet she'd have the best "jack in the box" costume EVER!!! Mr. J is quite talented. I think he should have his own "homemaker" blog!!! Is he related to Martha?? WOW, that costume is the bomb!!! Good luck with L's, I'm sorry to say... robot can't be beat!! lol
    Have fun doing all the Halloween festivities.. slow down and enjoy... these are some of my favorite traditions....

