Monday, November 2, 2009

Mr. Turkey....

Last Thanksgiving the kids helped me put this yummy turkey together.

What a cute centerpiece for the Thanksgiving table.

This is what we used



Red Wattle~Red Pepper

Eyes~Black Olives

Wings~Cubed cheese, Sausage & Olives

To attach the head to the body use two wooden skewers, stick them through the potato into the cantaloupe and break off the part of the skewer that is sticking out.

Alternate cheese, olives and sausage on the wooden skewers for the wings and stick into the cantaloupe. Attach eyes and red wattle with a toothpick.

Arrange extra sausage, cheese & olives around Mr. Turkey!

Ta Da!!!


  1. OMGosh! I'm so doing this for our family Thanksgiving...what fun!

  2. Jamie! Your gonna laugh..... I was like where is all this Christmas music coming from.... I turned off my i-tunes and it was *still* there.... I was going crazy thinking something was wacky in my computer... duh... you have music on here.... how cool! How did you do that?? I want a playlist ; )
    by the way, Tom turkey is Super cute, "gobble, gobble"
